Is This Really The “New” Normal?

“When all else fails, lower your standards” used to be a joke. Today, it’s how most people are running their lives and their businesses. Click below to read more of Robin’s take on the “low standards” crisis in America today.

The ‘Blue Ocean’ of compliance

Selling with a “loaded gun” is better than selling with a great sales pitch. “It’s not you holding the gun. It’s the insurance companies holding a gun to your clients’ heads,” says Robins. “It’s the government holding the gun to their heads. I’m not saying they are wrong for it. But there are customers of your customers who need this. What you’re selling is a bulletproof vest.”

But MY Business Is Different…

It really isn’t a mystery why winners win and losers lose, the rich get richer and the rest stay stuck, small and broke. Winners are curious and  eager to find and try fresh new ideas and figure out HOW to make them work; losers are constantly stuck in finding ways something WON’T work for them, blinders on.

Becoming A Person Of Integrity

person holding up two signs and choosing good instead of bad

As you know, over the years I’ve had the opportunity to work with a lot of celebrities – and in doing so, the “butterflies” I got when meeting them tended […]